Acqua Alta | oddviz, 2018 | Single-Channel 4k Video, 2’ 20’’ (excerpt), 5 ed + ap
Acqua Alta
Flooding of Venice, a phenomenon called Acqua Alta, usually happens a dozen times a year as result of local tides being affected by a strong winter wind called the Bora. However, floating city of Venice, which stretches across 116 small islands along Adriatic Sea is vulnerable to climate change and could totally sink until the end of the century.
Acqua Alta is a virtual photogrammetric installation featuring more than 150 unique, carved stone wells and cast iron fountains captured from Venice with more than fifteen thousand digital photographs.
Models are used without manipulation and with correct scale in the animation. Installation is arranged referencing organic city plan around the Grand Canal and then illuminated with a time-lapse daylight and rising water simulation.
‘Acqua Alta’ is a part of Inventory Project by oddviz collective where we dig the ephemeral characteristics of the public space and street furniture.